neurobiologist Amy Bishop was working on a neural computor, the Neuristor, using living neurons from stem cells, among other things. it's a mystery what made her flip and shoot her collegues. sometimes there are mad scientists in real life?
or she was mind-controlled?
INGAME: A.R.G.; Life Identical, Ancient Truth, PIEtheory, Dollplay, Black Helix, Conspirare, etc.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Monday, March 07, 2011
fungi stranger than fiction
tomorrow is 'fatty thuesday' in Sweden. though we no longer fast, we still like to eat the traditional fattening bun that used to herold the beginning of the fasting period. i guess the fasting was a custom that catholocism brought here once upon a time. fascinating fungi, yeast. how fortunate the ancestors once figured out how to use fungus to make great bread, beer, wine and cheese! not all fungi is fun. i had surgery and antibiotics two months ago. the antibiotics killed off my friendly flora, and something itchy replaced it. (fixed now.)
so, i was researching missing scientists and came across an article about a scientist, Joseph Moshe, that had researched fungi for the american army (biowarfare) since 1952 or something. in the article he was connected to a new strain of airborne Cryptococcus gatti fungi (Cryptococcus neoformans?) that kills like 25% of humans or whatever it infects. cats. it's suspected of causing something called Morgellons disease, and there is a conspiracy theory involving mind control, too. like some parasites (toxoplasma, for one) whatever causes Morgellons, can alter the hosts personality. and there are theories that Morgellans is caused by an engineered nano organism, made by agricultural or bioweapons research, based on "1,3 glukans with an inherent very strong helix-forming character", genetical bits and pieces of ameabas, nematodes, bacteria and parasites. amazing. i really wonder if that was what was in the lake in Iran that Jess took a sample from? there are so many strange life forms in nature! the use of fungi to do work for is ancient, but today they really can genetically engineer fungi to take on new jobs. but some fungi came into existence before we even imagined them. there is an fungi that lives off radiation, for instance, found in Japan and in the Chernobyl area. like the fungi in the manga Nausicaä and the valley of the wind, that purified Earth after nuclear war. that fungi was manmade. in the novel Dreamsnake, there was an alien fungi that altered Earths ecology. the best horror stories with sinister fungi are written by William Hope Hodgson.
oh, sorry, i strayed from reality into fiction again. i tend to do so. oh well, now my very real life baking needs a little work from me, now when the fungi has done it's part.
hypnotic narcotic
hypnotism makes me think of several things. Kaa, from Disney's cartoon version of The Jungle Book, is my mental picture.
and then i think about my biofathers experiments. he claimed to have learned it from an egyptian man he shared prison cell with.
he continued the experiments until he died, i found his documentation in the appartment after he passed. i have blogged about that 2005, the peculiar installation-like landscape of the appartment. glasses filled up with water grouped on tables. radio & tv sets everywhere, but not set on any channels just 'war of the ants', white noise. very strange man. in his hypnotism diary it is apperent that he used it for contacting the spirit world and that there were a group of them having meetings, probably those strange people that showed up on his funeral. i recognized one of them, she's an theatrical actress. he was a member of AMORC, so they might have been the local chapter of that.
i've once unwittingly brain-washed a friend. i am outspoken about my hate against drug abuse, so if my friends use they keep it a secret to me. so did this friend. i used to talk politics with her, or at her rather, it was a subject that was new to her. to my horror she became utterly convinced by everything i'd discussed with her (while i myself change views every month, sometimes, during this time i was changing from green to red and back from red to green.) when i found out she was using i gathered that it must have been the reason she had been such a enthusiastic audience. because nobody usually has the patience to listen to me rant about what i'm currently obsessed about! it's just not natural.
there have been studies made on the subject of changing ones suggestibility with drugs. it has some effect, but the biggest difference between peoples suggestibility is innate. if i'm anything like my biofather i'm very vulnerable. i remember when the Conspirits investigated some sound clips from earlier experiments made with hypnotism, where the subjects channeled spirits of the dead. just listening to it made me almost loose it. or i did, i don't know. scary! i guess that was what my biofather was into, also. there are also widespread conspiracy theorys based on facts, blended with quite absurd claims.
my doorbell rang, it was a big letter for me! yay. i'm one of the seven. hm, SE7EN, what an ominous number...
and then i think about my biofathers experiments. he claimed to have learned it from an egyptian man he shared prison cell with.
he continued the experiments until he died, i found his documentation in the appartment after he passed. i have blogged about that 2005, the peculiar installation-like landscape of the appartment. glasses filled up with water grouped on tables. radio & tv sets everywhere, but not set on any channels just 'war of the ants', white noise. very strange man. in his hypnotism diary it is apperent that he used it for contacting the spirit world and that there were a group of them having meetings, probably those strange people that showed up on his funeral. i recognized one of them, she's an theatrical actress. he was a member of AMORC, so they might have been the local chapter of that.
i've once unwittingly brain-washed a friend. i am outspoken about my hate against drug abuse, so if my friends use they keep it a secret to me. so did this friend. i used to talk politics with her, or at her rather, it was a subject that was new to her. to my horror she became utterly convinced by everything i'd discussed with her (while i myself change views every month, sometimes, during this time i was changing from green to red and back from red to green.) when i found out she was using i gathered that it must have been the reason she had been such a enthusiastic audience. because nobody usually has the patience to listen to me rant about what i'm currently obsessed about! it's just not natural.
there have been studies made on the subject of changing ones suggestibility with drugs. it has some effect, but the biggest difference between peoples suggestibility is innate. if i'm anything like my biofather i'm very vulnerable. i remember when the Conspirits investigated some sound clips from earlier experiments made with hypnotism, where the subjects channeled spirits of the dead. just listening to it made me almost loose it. or i did, i don't know. scary! i guess that was what my biofather was into, also. there are also widespread conspiracy theorys based on facts, blended with quite absurd claims.
my doorbell rang, it was a big letter for me! yay. i'm one of the seven. hm, SE7EN, what an ominous number...
Friday, March 04, 2011
what's up, doc?
Scientists go missing, or are found murdered. microbiologists seem to be worst off. there's plenty of speculation about why. Press release from UKSRI (UK scientific research initiative) reports on the recent case of the kidnapping of Jessica Harrington.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
idag har jag funderat lite mer på att J utifall hon av någon anledning avsåg att gömma sin forskning för sina uppdragsgivare, kan ha arrangerat sitt försvinnande själv. om hon misstänkte att militären vill masshypnotisera drogade människor till sömngångarzombies så förstår man ju om hon inte ville ge ifrån sig sitt serum.
isånafall vill vi ju inte avslöja var hon finns för hennes förföljare. jag tänker på Marika / Maria som Conspirare försökte hitta, hon var ju inte alls kidnappad eller bortförd av nån satanistsekt (Ordo Serpentis), utan hade själv valt att gå under jorden.
som vanligt när sånt här händer tänker jag på intressanta tider med Conspirare, Mnema och P.I.E. gänget. i de undersökningarna hade vi ett ställe att prata på inom TINAG. jag saknar det i detta fall, än så länge, och hoppas att det ska ändras.
isånafall vill vi ju inte avslöja var hon finns för hennes förföljare. jag tänker på Marika / Maria som Conspirare försökte hitta, hon var ju inte alls kidnappad eller bortförd av nån satanistsekt (Ordo Serpentis), utan hade själv valt att gå under jorden.
som vanligt när sånt här händer tänker jag på intressanta tider med Conspirare, Mnema och P.I.E. gänget. i de undersökningarna hade vi ett ställe att prata på inom TINAG. jag saknar det i detta fall, än så länge, och hoppas att det ska ändras.
mad scientist
inventions can change life on this planet, in a good or bad fashion, but at the conception of an idea it can be hard for the scientist to predict how it will play out. the research can be aimed at one field of use, but the ones in charge can have different plans. even so, the idea of the mad scientist is strong in modern society.
way back, the inventor owned his invention. but the usual way nowadays is that the employer owns everything the scientist researches on company time. so what shall a scientist do, if she discovers that something she was hoping would benifit mankind and the environment, instead will be used in some unethical way? to try to keep the research from the employers, i guess, would be viewed as stealing.
way back, the inventor owned his invention. but the usual way nowadays is that the employer owns everything the scientist researches on company time. so what shall a scientist do, if she discovers that something she was hoping would benifit mankind and the environment, instead will be used in some unethical way? to try to keep the research from the employers, i guess, would be viewed as stealing.
to use = to get used
some of them want to use yousome day you will play just the way they want you to play
some of them want to be used by you
(the white mice in the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.)
and you don't even who they are, or who you are hurting
(Ender in Enders Game.)
J stated that D was probably into her and that she could use that. she never stoped to think that maybe D made her think he was into her so she would trust him, and he could use that.
and who is using/abusing you? for what? a company, a corrupt goverment, the military, the police, the terrorists? to track down, to capture, to reveal, to register, to destroy, to snare?
it's not your motivation for doing something that counts if you're beeing stupid, it is the end result and maybe it's not you that will be paying for it.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The myth of Dido
Someone who was apt at getting a little to last a long way was Queen Dido (Dido means wanderer) of Carthage. She and her followers arrived as fugitives in ancient Libya, asking for only as much land that could be covered by an ox's hide. She was promised this, and she had an oxhide cut into a single thin long strip that encompassed a mountain, and there Cathage was built.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Dream control
Inception, what an interesting movie. I'm going to sleep now and hopefully nobody will be meddling with my dreams, like in Inception and in the song Silent lucidity.
The Tesla coil
in the early 1900s a major use of Tesla coils was to apply high frequency current directly to the body in electrotherapy.
Tesla invented tech still used today, in modified forms. Some things he never realised in his lifetime like the 'death ray'. One of the conspiracy theories out there is that HAARP was using his research to produce a non-leathal weapon that is perfected today, that uses radio waves to cause 'brain-fog' in living beeings over vast areas. And that tests with this weapon is what causes whales to beach, and birds to drop from the sky.
Dracunculus medinensis
Man tror att läkaremblemet som föreställer en 'orm' virad kring en stav från början var en avbildning av hur man drar ut en parasit ur kroppen med en pinne. inte särskilt romantiskt, kan tyckas. Den lille gynnaren har det latinska namnet Dracunculus medinensis och man kan drabbas av den genom dricksvattnet, dock inte i Sverige. (Vi har fått en annan otäck liten parasit att vara rädda för, dvärgbandmasken.)
Nå senare blandade man ihop askleipiosstaven med caduceusstaven, som är en häroldsstav. Ormarna kring den sägs symbolisera dualismer i samförstånd genom stavens fredsmäklande egenskaper. Eftersom en av gudarna som hade den som emblem var Hermes/Merkurius som var köpmännens OCH tjuvarnas skyddsgud så fick den symbolisera handel. Fast nu är det som sagt vanligt att den tar askleipiosstavens plats. Till exempel hos USAs 'medical department'.
Nå senare blandade man ihop askleipiosstaven med caduceusstaven, som är en häroldsstav. Ormarna kring den sägs symbolisera dualismer i samförstånd genom stavens fredsmäklande egenskaper. Eftersom en av gudarna som hade den som emblem var Hermes/Merkurius som var köpmännens OCH tjuvarnas skyddsgud så fick den symbolisera handel. Fast nu är det som sagt vanligt att den tar askleipiosstavens plats. Till exempel hos USAs 'medical department'.
some years ago i had a hard time accepting the diagnose i got, SLE. i just couldn't believe that my own immunesystem would turn on the body it was made to protect for no reason at all. i speculated that there was some underlying condition that made my immunesystem act this way, for instance a parasite or poisoning by environmental toxins, and it turns out i was kind of right all along.
for the latest five months i've been dealing with what started out as a case of suspected sceleton cancer. i had this bump on my leg and it hurt badly, especially at nights. at the worst, i had three nights of sleep on one week. i went to see doctors. several in a row as my case was passed upwards, until it got to national level of care in Stockholm. that's when you know you have got something unusual.
i was getting pretty worried while all the different scannings went on, and ihad to wait for the results. X-ray, MRI, CAT scans, many bloodsamples and doctors appointments. at the same time i was grateful for the level of care i recieved. you should know this is practically free for the patient in Sweden, i would never been able to afford to pay for the real cost of all of that myself.
two and a half months ago i was put under for surgery. i have never had surgery before and i was pretty scared, but meditated to diffuse the angst. a major part of the bump was chiseled away and sent to a lab to be analyzed. since the bone canal had grown shut by the bump which they were calling a tumour at that point, they also drilled it open. the i had sickleave for six weeks to heal up.
i didn't feel comfortable to stay at home just waiting for the results, so i started working early. it turned out it wasn't a malignant cancer tumour - anymore. my doctor, Dr J Marton, explained to me that my immunesystem detected the cancer years ago and capsuled it in a material that is harder than bone and thus isolating it and killing it. amazing!! so it might be that all those 'SLE symptoms' i had was just my body fighting cancer.
all these years when i have been disappointed at my body because it was acting irrational and weaker than i expected it to be, it was actually more of a warrior than i could ever have imagined or believed. now i'm still healing from the surgery, so there is no snowboarding in the plans for this spring, and i run out of stuff like magnesium in my body and have to eat supplements. but on the whole i'm feeling better than i have been in years.
for the latest five months i've been dealing with what started out as a case of suspected sceleton cancer. i had this bump on my leg and it hurt badly, especially at nights. at the worst, i had three nights of sleep on one week. i went to see doctors. several in a row as my case was passed upwards, until it got to national level of care in Stockholm. that's when you know you have got something unusual.
i was getting pretty worried while all the different scannings went on, and ihad to wait for the results. X-ray, MRI, CAT scans, many bloodsamples and doctors appointments. at the same time i was grateful for the level of care i recieved. you should know this is practically free for the patient in Sweden, i would never been able to afford to pay for the real cost of all of that myself.
two and a half months ago i was put under for surgery. i have never had surgery before and i was pretty scared, but meditated to diffuse the angst. a major part of the bump was chiseled away and sent to a lab to be analyzed. since the bone canal had grown shut by the bump which they were calling a tumour at that point, they also drilled it open. the i had sickleave for six weeks to heal up.
i didn't feel comfortable to stay at home just waiting for the results, so i started working early. it turned out it wasn't a malignant cancer tumour - anymore. my doctor, Dr J Marton, explained to me that my immunesystem detected the cancer years ago and capsuled it in a material that is harder than bone and thus isolating it and killing it. amazing!! so it might be that all those 'SLE symptoms' i had was just my body fighting cancer.
all these years when i have been disappointed at my body because it was acting irrational and weaker than i expected it to be, it was actually more of a warrior than i could ever have imagined or believed. now i'm still healing from the surgery, so there is no snowboarding in the plans for this spring, and i run out of stuff like magnesium in my body and have to eat supplements. but on the whole i'm feeling better than i have been in years.
Spåren börjar långt tillbaka i tiden...
lyckligtvis kan google inte översätta mitt språk till engelska särskilt väl, så jag kan spekulera ganska öppet på svenska utan att de som rövat bort forskaren J H förstår vad jag håller på med? [denna blogg är en del av mitt verklighetsspelande och skall inte tas på fullt allvar]
så, igår kväll läckte videon ut som visar hur J H blir bortrövad. egentligen vet man inte om hon arrangerat försvinnandet själv för att slippa ifrån företaget hon jobbar för, eller om det är t.ex. ett konkurrerande företag eller något lands militär som ligger bakom försvinnandet. hur som helst är det flera privatpersoner som undersöker fallet ideellt just nu, och har bland annat lyckats hacka sig in i hennes personliga filer på hennes företagsloggin och där hittade de en kopia av ett intressant dokument som kopplas till påstådda försök med hjärntvätt. kanske kom J H för nära hemligstämplat material?
J H nämner några olika personer som hon mött i sin sedan länge övergivna blogg och i forskningsvideor på företagssidan. A. Hunt heter en av dem och går man in på theblackhelix sidan så uppmanas man "join the hunt" vilket ju kan ha dubbelmeningen att man sällar sig till jakten eller att man sällar sig till denne A. Hunt? är det han som ligger bakom uppmärksammandet av fallet?
och vem är denne psykologiproffessor R W som J H som bjöd in henne till Kampala 2007 (se hennes blogg) men som hon innan hon blev bortrövad inte fick särskilt mycket hjälp i sin forskning av just innan hon försvann? J H verkar vara besviken och förvånad över hur ohjälpsam han var. jag tycker nog att han är misstänkt. någon att akta sig för eller/och undersöka? har allt detta något att göra med gamla experiment med hjärntvättsdroger?
isånafall, kan man förvänta sig att J H kommer tillbaka och är helt förändrad?
forskarna på den tiden studerade 'primitiva' kulturers användning av sinnesförändrande droger för att hitta sådant som kunde komma till nytta i militärt bruk. det finns dem som tror att sådana medel använts sedan femtiotalet, och har varit centralt i morden av presidenter och andra viktiga personer. i Sverige mördades statsminister Olof Palme, som ironiskt nog sägs vara den som gav klartecken till att göra hjärnimplantat på fångar.
detdär påminner mig om en bok jag läst förra året, Män som stirrar på getter av Jon Ronson. det man måste fråga sig är, om nu sinneskontrollen är så lysande, varför styr man inte bara politiket och forskare direkt istället för att styra kriminella och mentalpatienter att mörda dem? det verkar vara att gå över ån för att hämta vatten.
så, igår kväll läckte videon ut som visar hur J H blir bortrövad. egentligen vet man inte om hon arrangerat försvinnandet själv för att slippa ifrån företaget hon jobbar för, eller om det är t.ex. ett konkurrerande företag eller något lands militär som ligger bakom försvinnandet. hur som helst är det flera privatpersoner som undersöker fallet ideellt just nu, och har bland annat lyckats hacka sig in i hennes personliga filer på hennes företagsloggin och där hittade de en kopia av ett intressant dokument som kopplas till påstådda försök med hjärntvätt. kanske kom J H för nära hemligstämplat material?
J H nämner några olika personer som hon mött i sin sedan länge övergivna blogg och i forskningsvideor på företagssidan. A. Hunt heter en av dem och går man in på theblackhelix sidan så uppmanas man "join the hunt" vilket ju kan ha dubbelmeningen att man sällar sig till jakten eller att man sällar sig till denne A. Hunt? är det han som ligger bakom uppmärksammandet av fallet?
och vem är denne psykologiproffessor R W som J H som bjöd in henne till Kampala 2007 (se hennes blogg) men som hon innan hon blev bortrövad inte fick särskilt mycket hjälp i sin forskning av just innan hon försvann? J H verkar vara besviken och förvånad över hur ohjälpsam han var. jag tycker nog att han är misstänkt. någon att akta sig för eller/och undersöka? har allt detta något att göra med gamla experiment med hjärntvättsdroger?
isånafall, kan man förvänta sig att J H kommer tillbaka och är helt förändrad?
forskarna på den tiden studerade 'primitiva' kulturers användning av sinnesförändrande droger för att hitta sådant som kunde komma till nytta i militärt bruk. det finns dem som tror att sådana medel använts sedan femtiotalet, och har varit centralt i morden av presidenter och andra viktiga personer. i Sverige mördades statsminister Olof Palme, som ironiskt nog sägs vara den som gav klartecken till att göra hjärnimplantat på fångar.
detdär påminner mig om en bok jag läst förra året, Män som stirrar på getter av Jon Ronson. det man måste fråga sig är, om nu sinneskontrollen är så lysande, varför styr man inte bara politiket och forskare direkt istället för att styra kriminella och mentalpatienter att mörda dem? det verkar vara att gå över ån för att hämta vatten.
Friday, February 25, 2011
i'm awake.
so, another scientist disappeared. i remember a fellow P.I.E. member reporting on many scientists gone missing in recent years. maybe this is a part of it, whatever it is.
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